Smoke Break by Robert Steinmetz, NWS
Robert Steinmetz
NWS Signature Member
Spruce Head, ME
Artist Statement:
Highlighted in the sun and framed in the dark opening to a building on the working waterfront, an employee takes a "Smoke Break" amid a variety of objects on a pier. A lobster boat anchors the foreground. The overall painting image is a rich mixture of shapes, shades, and shadows animated by a Manganese Blue box and the primary and receding figures.
NWS Signature Member
Spruce Head, ME
Artist Statement:
Highlighted in the sun and framed in the dark opening to a building on the working waterfront, an employee takes a "Smoke Break" amid a variety of objects on a pier. A lobster boat anchors the foreground. The overall painting image is a rich mixture of shapes, shades, and shadows animated by a Manganese Blue box and the primary and receding figures.